Supplier Portal for WK Kellogg Suppliers

FAQs and Instructions for Direct WK Kellogg Co Suppliers

"Our valued supplier partners are critical in our journey toward healthier and happier futures for families, kids and communities."

Partnering for Sustainability

WK Kellogg Co (“WKKC”) is committed to sourcing responsibly, which falls under the Make Eating Well Easy focus area of WKKC’s Feeding Happiness strategy. In order to positively impact people and the planet, WKKC needs to first understand current baselines, including their carbon emissions.

WK Kellogg Co has partnered with HowGood, an independent research company and sustainability intelligence platform, to make the data collection and analysis process easier for their suppliers, and offer you additional ways to leverage your sustainability efforts.
Access the survey link to send to growers

How it works

First, choose the growers you’d like to participate. Please select the number of growers to participate based on number of crop acres needed to fulfill annual WKKC volumes sold in CY2024. It is better to overestimate in case we do not receive a response from all growers.
Click the button below to access the survey, and send that survey to each one of your growers to fill out individually. If you are planning to fill it out on behalf of a grower, prepare with them in advance for the data needed, and enter data into the survey per grower.
Access the survey link to send to growers
Based on the answers provided, HowGood will calculate the carbon footprint of your ingredients and share that data with WKKC. A Sustainability Scorecard with the carbon footprint, as well as an in-depth impact analysis, will be available to you.

What's in it for me?

As a supplier, you are a critical link to reducing the impact of the food industry at large. HowGood is committed to creating a frictionless process for you, your growers, and your customers like WKKC to collect, analyze, and act on high quality sustainability data.

To thank you for your participation, HowGood will provide the following:

Sustainability Scorecard

  • Compete carbon footprint for any product
  • Industry benchmarking
  • Eligible sustainability claims
  • Options for utilizing the scorecard for internal decision-making or additional requests

Sustainability Consultation

  • In-depth analysis of your products’ performance
  • Discussion of any quick wins for improving your impact
  • Opportunities for bringing your survey reporting to scale with additional customers
  • Quantified representation of how you stand out

Simple & Secure Process

  • The survey won't ask for anything your growers don’t already know: we're looking for growing practices, not sustainability metrics
  • You can speak with a HowGood representative for help at any point
  • We are committed to data security. You choose whether to make your results available to WKKC only, or discoverable by other brands

Here's what the survey looks like:

Here's how we protect your data:

Frequently asked questions

What commodities should be included in this survey?

  • WK Kellogg Co is only asking for data on the following nine ingredients: Rice, Wheat, Corn, Beet Sugar, Cane Sugar, Raisins, Strawberries, Cocoa, Palm Oil
  • If you supply other ingredients in addition to what is listed above, then please exclude those volumes (and growers) from the scope of this program.

How many of my growers do I need to send the survey to?

  • You will know which growers in your network best represent WK Kellogg Co’s volumes and products.
  • Only include your product volumes for the in-scope commodities sold to WKKC (refer to the Commodities FAQ above for a list)
  • Please select the number of growers to participate based on number of crop acres needed to fulfill annual WKKC volumes sold in CY2024. It is better to overestimate in case we do not receive a response from all growers.
  • Record the number growers you plan on sending this survey when providing your email to get access to the survey

How long will it take for my growers to complete the survey?

For non-grain growers: Set aside 10-20 minutes.
For grain growers: Set aside 20-30 minutes, and gather data on nutrient application, yield, and irrigation.

Why is WK Kellogg Co asking for this information?

WK Kellogg Co has been standing up as an independent company since October 2023. We have launched our sustainable business platform, Feeding Happiness and you are a critical partner as we begin this journey.  We’re excited to launch our priority ingredients sourcing program with our partner, HowGood, an independent research company and SaaS data platform with the world’s largest product sustainability database.

In order to establish our baseline and accurately measure our impact, we request your partnership and participation in providing farm-level information annually to help accurately measure our total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions along with other aspects of sustainability. We are utilizing HowGood’s Supplier Portal to generate comprehensive sustainability assessments for your ingredients, offering you an easy and secure way to provide information, as well as visibility into how your products perform.

Who should be answering this survey?

The purpose of the survey is to understand the agricultural practices that are used to grow the crops that WK Kellogg Co purchases. The ideal audience for this survey is the grower/farmer, but it can also be the direct suppliers who have the required information to successfully fill out the survey in order to provide WK Kellogg Co with an accurate assessment of your products.

What information will be shared with WK Kellogg Co?

HowGood will not share any proprietary information with WK Kellogg Co. Information such as exact farm location, farm name and farmer contact information will be kept confidential. HowGood will only share the sustainability impact based on the information provided in the survey, along with on-farm practice information, regional location and applicable standards.

Do I need to create a login or account to complete the survey?

No, we’ve made this process as easy as possible and eliminated any extra or unnecessary steps. Simply complete the survey, along with your name, farm name, and email address, and you’re good to go!

What types of information will the survey ask for?

The survey will ask for the following information for each commodity:

  • General information of the person filling out the survey
  • Farm-level questions, including natural landscape, wage, and farm size
  • Name of the material and commodity type
  • Soil/Tillage practices
  • Water practices / usage
  • Fertilizer practices / usage
  • Standards and certifications

Can I preview the survey before sending it to my growers?

We want to make sure you feel comfortable sending this simplified survey to your growers, and we encourage you to take the survey for an informal spin to understand the types of questions it asks of growers. You can access the survey once you’ve entered your supplier information into the portal. Feel free to go through each question and simply refrain from hitting the submit button at the end of the survey.

Here are a few examples of the types of questions the survey will ask:

Q: Which of the following best describes your watering practices?

  • Rain fed
  • Irrigated

Q: What is the lowest paid wage to any employee and/or contractor working within these operations?

  • Please provide the raw hourly wage not inclusive of benefits. Enter a number for wages paid in dollars.

Q: What is your fertilizer application intensity for Nitrogen? (grain-based growers only)

  • Please provide answer here

We know that these types of requests have been cumbersome in the past, which is exactly why we’ve collaborated so closely with the WK Kellogg Co team to create a better, easier option for you and your growers.

How can I see the results of the survey?

When you provide your email to access the online survey, you can opt-in to see the results of the surveys submitted on behalf of your growers. Also, you can also reach out to to see your results.

What messaging should I send to my grower?

Feel free to use the below email template:


WK Kellogg Co has begun their annual data collection process.

As a key supplier to WK Kellogg Co, we are requesting that you complete this short Ag Practices Survey to support us in providing accurate data into their program. The survey asks about basic farm practices, and should take you 10-30 minutes to complete.

We know your data security and privacy is important. Please note your data will only ever be aggregated with other farm data for WK Kellogg Co reporting needs and will never be shared with any third parties. The survey tool uses the highest security protocols to ensure your data is protected.  
Fill out the survey here:

Sincerely, <buyer>