
Proving Sustainability ROI

Learn how food companies are leveraging the commercial case for sustainability

  • Improved internal alignment between teams
  • Lower costs of capital
  • Enhanced brand value and market share
  • Reduced operational costs
Learn how food companies are leveraging the commercial case for sustainability
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Increase internal buy-in for sustainability: Best practices for proving ROI

What's inside
Gaining internal buy-in for sustainability initiatives within food companies presents a unique set of challenges.
This playbook explores how sustainability initiatives drive significant business value and competitive advantage by improving cost efficiency, enhancing brand reputation, and ensuring regulatory compliance. It includes real-world success stories and practical insights to help effectively communicate the ROI of sustainability efforts to stakeholders.

Trusted by enterprise food companies

HowGood powers sustainability intelligence for many of the world’s largest food companies, including CPGs, retailers, food service and suppliers.
"Our customers need holistic, sustainable ingredient solutions to meet consumer and regulatory demands for greater transparency. Partnering with HowGood provides third-party validation of the sustainability impact of our ingredients and enables our customers to confidently make informed decisions.”
- Brian Nash, VP of Corporate Sustainability at Ingredion