White Paper

Making Meaningful ESG Claims in the Age of Greenwashing

Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and win over the loyalty of eco-conscious consumers

  • Consumer skepticism and the organic appeal
  • Case Study: Using Data-Backed Sustainability Claims
  • Key strategies for mitigating reputational and regulatory risk
Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and win over the loyalty of eco-conscious consumers
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Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and win over the loyalty of eco-conscious consumers

What's inside
As concerns regarding climate change and sustainability become increasingly influential in consumer decision-making, many are turning to organic products and other environmentally-friendly or health-conscious options. However, with the rise of greenwashing and misleading green claims, consumers are becoming more skeptical about the authenticity of on-pack declarations, even government-regulated ones like USDA Organic.
This white paper explores the importance of end-to-end supply-system transparency and ingredient-level impact data, and how businesses can effectively leverage this information to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and win over the loyalty of eco-conscious consumers.

Trusted by enterprise food companies

HowGood powers sustainability intelligence for many of the world’s largest food companies, including CPGs, retailers, food service and suppliers.
"Our customers need holistic, sustainable ingredient solutions to meet consumer and regulatory demands for greater transparency. Partnering with HowGood provides third-party validation of the sustainability impact of our ingredients and enables our customers to confidently make informed decisions.”
- Brian Nash, VP of Corporate Sustainability at Ingredion